Exercises: hamstring stretch, quad stretch, seated twists stretch, glute bridges w arms cross over body, squats, jumping jacks, side lunges, forward lunges, running in place, seated figure 4 stretch
Being active on a regular basis is one of the best ways to improve your heart health! These videos are designed to improve your fitness level by providing an 8-minute cardio workout. Complete the videos that fit your fitness level and remember to start slowly and increase your activity intensity over time. As your fitness level improves, you’ll be able to do more physical activity for a longer period of time and at a higher intensity. And, don’t forget to grab a friend so that you can have a buddy to workout with!
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Exercises: hamstring stretch, quad stretch, seated twists stretch, glute bridges w arms cross over body, squats, jumping jacks, side lunges, forward lunges, running in place, seated figure 4 stretch
Exercises: one foot in every hole, foot fire/2 feet in every hole, one foot hop, two foot hop, shuffle, in in out out
Exercises: hamstring stretch, quad stretch, seated twists stretch, glute bridges w arms cross over body, squats, jumping jacks, side lunges, forward lunges, running in place, seated figure 4 stretch
Exercises: one foot in every hole, foot fire/2 feet in every hole, one foot hop, two foot hop, shuffle, in in out out
Exercises: high knees, butt kicks, skipping high knees, knee tuck and lunge, side lunge
Exercises: run in place, neck rolls, swing arms/swing arm hugs, hip openers kickboxing: front kick jab, parallel arm squat, side kicks, cross body punch, back kicks, uppercut punches, shoulder shrugs, leg bend stretch
Exercises: run in place, neck rolls, swing arm hugs, hip openers, cross arm squat, thigh twist, chair lean, ankle tap, sit down arms up
Exercises: tricep stretch, bicep stretch, shoulder taps, reverse push ups, side push ups, plank on hands, pike push ups, arm circles, wrist stretch