Exercises: burpees, air squats, bearcrawl, crabwalk, lunges, burpees, lunges
Being active on a regular basis is one of the best ways to improve your heart health! These videos are designed to improve your fitness level by providing an 8-minute cardio workout. Complete the videos that fit your fitness level and remember to start slowly and increase your activity intensity over time. As your fitness level improves, you’ll be able to do more physical activity for a longer period of time and at a higher intensity. And, don’t forget to grab a friend so that you can have a buddy to workout with!
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Exercises: burpees, air squats, bearcrawl, crabwalk, lunges, burpees, lunges
Exercises: high knees, butt kicks, shuffle touch, jump rope, mountain climber into pushup, high knees to deadlift, squats, bicycle to tuck ins, superman swimmers/rocks, bent over bicep curls, opposite elbow to opposite knee, walkouts, arm circle into arm stretch
Exercises: lateral lunges, jump rope, split squats, burpees, air squats, alternating lunges
Exercises: squats, sit ups, jumping jacks
Exercises: line jumps, lunges, push ups