Lower Body Exercise

Topics: Cardio
Suitable for: 3-12, DPTV 8-minute energy boost


Exercises: ankle hops and calf raises, squat w straight leg kick/knee up, "good mornings and kickback while leaning forward", stepping and reverse lunges, glute bridges and glute bridge while walking heels out and back in, superman hold and superman w just legs going up and down

0:41-1:05 ankle hops and calf raises
1:07- 1:36 squat w straight leg kick/knee up
1:37-2:02 ankle hops and calf raises
2:03-2:22 squat w straight leg kick/knee up
2:23-3:00 stepping and reverse lunges
3:01-3:34 “good mornings and kickback while leaning forward”
3:35-4:01 stepping and reverse lunges
4:03-4:29 good mornings and kickbacks
4:30-5:17 glute bridges and glute bridge while walking heels out and back in
5:18-5:52 superman hold and superman w just legs going up and down
5:55-6:32 glute bridges
6:35-7:00 superman


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