Exercise is always good for helping us stay in our zone, as it releases those feel good endorphins! Certain mindful movements can challenge our balance and flexibility and can bring us to the now moment and give us a rest from worrying about the past or the future . . . all of which is good for working to stay in our OK zone! These 8-minute videos are designed to do just that. You’ll be surprised what these moments of movement can do for you and the rest of your family. And, don’t forget to grab a friend so you can have a buddy to challenge you to do your best!
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Exercises: fit dice, squat punches, diagonal hopping, arm circles, jump switching feet, crunches, out side back, jump switching feet
Exercises: run in place, burpees, plank jumps, jumping jacks, line jumps, high kicks, plank shoulder taps, jumping planks, mountain climbers, squats
Exercises: sit ups, squats, jumping jacks,
Exercises: burpees, jumping jacks, lunges, bicycle crunches, push ups, air squats, car freezes
Exercises: jumping jacks, lunges, plank, dips, squats, mountain climber, X jumps, high knees, sit up/crunches, frog squats
Exercises: fit dice, squat punches, diagonal hopping, arm circles, jump switching feet, crunches, out side back, jump switching feet
Exercises: run in place, burpees, plank jumps, jumping jacks, line jumps, high kicks, plank shoulder taps, jumping planks, mountain climbers, squats
Exercises: rock paper scissors show game: jumping jacks, burpees, flutter kicks
Exercises: land sea air game